How do I ensure my home is protected when I’m at work or in bed asleep?
Nowadays, we frequently hear of homes being broken into whilst the homeowner is at work, on holidays, or maybe even asleep. Technology has improved greatly in recent years, which ensures that your home, its contents, and most importantly its occupants, can all feel protected whilst the family home is either vacant or occupied.
We would subscribe to the best Garda advice which says that a monitored alarm system is the best deterrent available.
To ensure your home is effectively protected, have a perimeter alarm fitted. This enables you to move about inside while your alarm system is fully armed.
Should an intruder attempt to gain entry, your alarm will activate locally and alert your security alarm monitoring service. Once received, the monitoring service can advise Gardaí, neighbours/relatives or dispatch a mobile security officer to attend and investigate the cause.
– John Delaney, Technology Director, GGL Security
To enquire about alarm monitoring and other security services contact GGL Security 1890 929 900 (ROI only) or +353 61 319 077 or email info@gglsecurity.com
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