How can I help prevent my property being broken into while vacant?
As we enter the peak holiday period, now is the time when most properties, either commercial or residential, will be vacant for some period of time. This could be the annual family two week holiday or the industrial shutdown period. Vacant properties present an ideal opportunity for criminals to exploit your absence.
1) Ensure your burglar alarm is maintained, switched on and connected to an approved monitoring centre. 24/7 alarm monitoring represents the most effective security prevention measure. It guarantees a professional response should your alarm activate in your absence.
2) Have a keyholding arrangement in place through either a trusted neighbour or by contracting an approved keyholding company. Such a company will respond to any alarm/fire alarm activations in your absence. This service also usually combines routine patrols to your premises.
3) Examine your property from the outside. If you can gain access easily, a criminal will equally have no trouble.
4) Ensure your doors and windows are securely locked. Check that your garden shed is secure and that all tools such as ladders etc are securely storedto away.
5) Make your property look occupied rather than vacant. Use some light timers. Ensure all deliveries are either cancelled or tended to by a neighbour.
6) Refrain from advertising on social media of your absence. This is an invitation to potential criminals.
7) Remember the three minute rule of thumb that the Gardaí refer to – a would-be thief will move on from your property if he encounters difficulty in the first three minutes.
– John Delaney, Technology Director, GGL Security
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