What to do different for Winter Time Security?
As the evenings become shorter, Garda Statistics show that burglaries can increase by 25% at this time of year, so it is important to re assess your home protection.
Here are a few simple ideas to help protect your home from opportunist burglars:
1) External LED lighting is now very efficient and economical to install. €0.50cents worth of electricity can illuminate your drive for several hours. Intruders will avoid lit up houses.
2) Fit a door chain and viewer. This way you can view any visitors before allowing them in.
3) Number your house clearly so that Gardaí can find you easily if necessary.
4) Join a local Text Alert scheme. You will then receive Garda messages about suspicious vehicle or persons in your area.
5) Use a common sense security approach. Inspect your house from the outside, if you can gain admittance, then so too can a burglar.
6) Be vigilant, in Winter time, 5pm to 11pm are the most at risk times.
7) Consider an external camera linked to your TV.
8) Fit a monitored alarm system and ensure it is always turned on even when you are at home.
– John Delaney, Technology Director, GGL Security
To enquire about alarm monitoring and other security services contact GGL Security 1890 929 900 (ROI only) or +353 61 319 077 or email info@gglsecurity.com
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