Homeowners Checklist before departing on Holidays
Now that we are into the peak holiday period, chances are that your home or business will be vacant for some time. Fact: Insurance statistics show that the average loss amounts to €3500 for homes hit by holiday thefts.
Homeowners should complete the following checklist before departing on holidays:
1. Check that your insurance policy is valid
2. Arrange for a trusted keyholder to collect post and move wheelie bins in or out etc.
3. Cancel any deliveries e.g. milk
4. Check that all doors and windows are secure
5. Check the garden shed is secure as garden implements are often used to force open doors/windows
6. Avoid posting on social media advertising that you are away
7. Have you a light on a timer?
8. Avoid leaving valuables in clear view e.g. laptops.
9. Have your alarm checked to see if it is in working order
10. Follow best Garda advice and have your alarm monitored
Survey your property from the outside yourself. If you think you could gain access, the burglar most certainly can.
Remember, the thief is always looking for an easy option. If you can deflect him from your premises for the first three minutes, he will move on.
– John Delaney, Technology Director, GGL Security
To enquire about alarm monitoring and other security services contact GGL Security 1890 929 900 (ROI only) or +353 61 319 077 or email info@gglsecurity.com
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