How secure is your home?
With the first real holiday break of the year upon us, we all need to ask the question, how secure is your home?
As many homes will be vacant for a period of the Easter break we need to asses our level of domestic security. Here are a few tips:
1) Gardaí often refer to the ‘golden minute’, this minute is the initial time a criminal will spend casing your house. If he can be thwarted in the first minute, he will simply move on to an easier target. Have a walk around your house and see if you can identify any weak entry points.
2) Don’t leave garden tools or ladders lying around which could assist the intruder.
3) Never hide keys outside. Criminals know all the favourite hiding spots e.g. in boots, under the dog bowl etc.
4) Ask a trusted neighbour to collect your post or deliveries which might make the house look vacant.
5) Is your alarm working well? All alarm systems should be serviced annually. Best Garda advice recommends that the alarm be monitored by a licensed monitoring centre. 24/7 monitoring costs approx. 0.45c per day and ensures a reaction if your system activates.
6) Do you know how to use your duress alarm code? All business holders especially should be aware of this facility in the event of being compromised by an intruder. Ask your installer how this feature works.
– John Delaney, Technology Director, GGL Security
To enquire about alarm monitoring and other security services contact GGL Security 1890 929 900 (ROI only) or +353 61 319 077 or email info@gglsecurity.com
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