Let GGL Security respond to your Business Alarm
Ever had to respond to an alarm at your business in the middle of a rainy night?
If the answer is YES, let GGL Security be your trusted local security provider that will provide the response service required 24/7 365 days a year.
As a PSA registered key holding service provider, GGL Security securely retain the keys to your premises.
In the event of alarm activation or a requirement to access your premises out of hours, experienced GGL Security personnel will attend your business premises.
This secure service eliminates the potential safety risk to you or any of your employees when responding to an alarm activation at your business premises.
Through the Limerick based GGL Security 24 Hour Monitoring Centre, our staff can alert Emergency Services, 24 hour Maintenance Service Providers and Senior Management.
Each alarm response will be followed up with a full report outlining the events.
Our Key Holding and Alarm Response services can also be combined with Intruder & Fire Alarm, with the option of CCTV Monitoring and Mobile Patrols for a comprehensive security solution.
Contact Colm McMahon, GGL Security on 061-319077 / 086-1300099 / colmmcmahon@gglsecurity.com for further information.