What security resolutions can we make for our home or business in 2018?
Now that we are into a new year, we should all consider checking our home and business security measures as part of our New Year’s Resolutions. Ideally you should take time out to audit your own building. Remember, if you can gain access easily, a burglar will also have no difficulty. Here are a few simple preventative measures :
1) Ensure your doors and windows are secure and lockable.
2) Fit a door viewer and chain, so you can view visitors before admitting.
3) Always be wary of cold callers e.g. water pressure checks, gas maintenance or any service man that requests admission to your property. Check his ID and call his office first before admitting him.
4) Never employ unaccredited maintenance operators such as roof and gutter maintenance agents. Always ask for a reference.
5) Garden equipment such as lawnmowers and strimmers should be securely stored out of sight as they will become popular items of interest to thieves as Spring arrives.
6) Consider installing external CCTV cameras. Potential thieves see them as a huge deterrent.
7) Follow best Garda advice by fitting a monitored intruder alarm. Monitoring typically costs €0.50 per day and ensures that all activations will be reacted to and passed on to Gardai if necessary.
– John Delaney, Technology Director, GGL Security
To enquire about CCTV and alarm monitoring and other security services contact GGL Security 1890 929 900 (ROI only) or +353 61 319 077 or email info@gglsecurity.com
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